The Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders at Risk — HABARI

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CAHR hosts protection workshop with civil society organisations in Uganda


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Dr Alice Nah organised a workshop on Civil Society Networks of Protection for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in conjunction with DefendDefenders’ (East & Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project) in Kampala, Uganda, on 23 February 2017.
About 20 participants from national coalitions, networks and civil society groups working on the protection of HRDs at risk in the East and Horn of Africa region took part in the workshop.
Amongst the issues discussed were: defenders not realising their rights as defenders; the problem of risk transfer (in which protection actors seeking to assist defenders at risk get threatened themselves by perpetrators); the unexpectedness of the immediate protection needs of defenders; the challenges of managing limited protection resources; and the challenges of protecting particular groups of defenders, especially those that continue to face risks over the long-term.
These research findings will be summarised in a Civil Society Guide co-authored with DefendDefenders.