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Digital resources


Mobile phones, computers and the Internet are the main means by which human rights defenders (HRDs) communicate and coordinate their work as well as collect and store their research and findings, including sensitive data. Unfortunately, they are also the most common means by which governments and corporations restrict, manipulate and monitor the activity of human rights defenders. As surveillance and censorship increase, the insecurity of digitally stored and/or digitally transmitted information is a major problem for HRDs in many countries. Front Line Defenders created its Digital Protection Programme in 2004 to meet the needs of HRDs facing such threats




Security in-a-Box (SiaB) was created by Front Line Defenders in 2005 in partnership with the Tactical Technology Collective to further help HRDs and HROs implement tactics and tools for digital security. SiaB is actively maintained since then by the two organisations and a network of independent experts. SiaB is a collection of guides and free and open source tools assisting HRDs in securing their computer or phone, storing and sharing sensitive information more securely or maintain the privacy of Internet and phone communication. It is available in 17 languages: AmharicArabicBahasaBurmeseChinese,EnglishFarsiFrenchKhmerMacedonianPortuguese,RussianSpanishThaiTibetanTurkishVietnamese